Friday, February 1, 2008

I'VE BEEN TAGGED!! I thought it might be helpful to share the rules of this activity, because I have been tagged many times and never knew I needed to list people's names when I was done.

If you have been tagged.
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names.

What was I doing 10 years ago? 10 years ago this month is when I was I broke my teeth with my snowboard. I had a newborn and I was exceedingly happy. My life was perfect! (except for my broken teeth)

5 Things on my to do list today: Make lemon bars, make bread, get a birthday present for Eden's friend, Ellen, pick up a few things at the grocery store, pick up Fisher from his friend's house and go have dinner at our friend's, the Herrings, house tonight. I am not always this domestic, but you caught me on a good day.

Snacks I enjoy: Snyders of Hanover's lightly seasoned honey mustard and onion nibblers...awesome...especially accompanied by a string cheese. I am into pickles and cucumbers with vinegar right now....I am into spicy and sour stuff.

What would I do if I were a billionaire: Build a perfect, beautiful house that is like the Eastern coast style Craftsman house and have a chef and a maid, pay off all of our sibling's houses (parents are already paid off, thank goodness, so that'll save us some dough), put away plenty for retirement, missions, college and weddings. Go on service missions around the world...with my kids while they had a private tutor to school them. I am sure that given time, I could think of more!

3 Bad habits I have: Picking my zits, "forgetting" to exercise:) and buying things.

5 places I've lived: Sacramento, California and bay area until I was 10, Kingwood, Texas until I was 18, Provo, Minnesota for 18 months for my mission, Salt Lake City (Sugarhouse, Taylorsville, Midvale and finally Murray) and now, Kingwood, Texas AGAIN!

5 jobs I've had: Peon for my dad's office during the summers before and after my Senior year, BYU catering, BYU television, BYU bookstore and Recreation Therapist Specialist at Primary Children's hospital for 9 months before I had Emme....nothing since then.

Things people don't know about me: Every time I think of something, I can't type it because I don't want people to know it about me! Here's a boring one... I once had a tumor removed from my leg that the doctor thought was "the worst kind of cancer" (which he told me later), but it ended up being benign! OK, here is one more, after making the the questions and statements above bold, I remembered that I get bugged when headings aren't parallel...those are not parallel and normally I would correct them, but then I wouldn't have as many things to tell you that you didn't know about me. (I love to edit papers)

I will tag 3 people that may or may not world-traveling, world-class friend, Sarah Davis, my dad (you won't see his blog) and my cousin, Stephanie (Carlie and Lindsay...make her do it!!!)


Steph Wallin February 14, 2008 at 8:39 AM  

Chels! What the crap! Are you trying to give me an anxiety attack? I was just about to post the rules of my blog which just happen to include no "tagging"- I didn't quite know what it was, but since you're not the boss of me, and I'm a pleaser, I'll probably end up doing it, and then resenting you! ha. I hope you feel good about yourself now!

Kevin Pratt February 14, 2008 at 5:23 PM  

I had to get you to comment, steph! I really figured you would never see it, so I thought it was falling on deaf ears..or blind eyes! No more tags for me. I don't have any more info, so I won't send any more your way.